The MAA is trying to put together a complete collection of winners from 1983 - 2018.
Our plan is to collect all the information and break it down on three separate lists.
For our first list of winners (categories shown below), we were successful in securing
all names of the winning teams over the years. However, we are missing information
for the year 1997 for the most bullseyes and most hang jacks. We recently obtained the
winners for the 1998 season thanks to Tab Allen who provided us with the information
as he was the one who did that stats that year and had the final standings.
We are calling on our members to help us find this information. We would like you to check
your trophy case to see if you have trophies for these missing years. If you do, please pass
on the information to any member of the executive committee. If you know of some
person(s) who you think might have this information, please confirm with them and
let us know if they do. Any help in completing this first list will be greatly appreciated.
The internet and executive committees are very grateful to
Gerry Sankar & Lincoln Chan

for providing them with spreadsheets containing information from 1983-
1996 and 1997 - present day respectively. Without their help, getting this far
with this list would not have been possible.
List Of Annual Winners 1983 – 2018 (36 years)
Erwin 'The Professor' Carrington is without a doubt the number one player in the
league. His record of 16 trophies (see list below) speaks for itself. Tied for second is
the pair of Omar Maharaj & Ian Harrysingh with 12 trophies each. Fourth on this
list is the Professor's ex-playing partner, Dennis Horsford with 10 trophies.
Erwin Carrington Dennis Horsford

WISA and Duniya (defunct) have set the mark for the most team championships (8). We are in
the process of preparing a second list of annual winners. The categories this time are Most
Valuable Players (MVP), Champion of Champions and President’s Cup. Help from
any of our members with this project will be graciously accepted and acknowledged.
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